Institution of Public Character (IPC)
CAS has obtained the Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. Your donations to CAS qualify for 250% tax exemption.
The minimum donation to qualify for tax exemption is S$10.
Donors (individuals, businesses, companies etc.) wishing to claim the tax exemption are required to provide your Tax Reference Numbers (NRIC No./ FIN/ UEN) to CAS in order to be given tax deduction on the donations. CAS will transmit the details of these donations to the IRAS for tax deduction to be granted to the donors. The IRAS does not accept claims for tax deduction based on donation receipts. The information given on donors will be automatically included in the donors’ tax assessments. Donors do not need to make a claim in their tax forms.
CAS has obtained the Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. Your donations to CAS qualify for 250% tax exemption.
The minimum donation to qualify for tax exemption is S$10.
Donors (individuals, businesses, companies etc.) wishing to claim the tax exemption are required to provide your Tax Reference Numbers (NRIC No./ FIN/ UEN) to CAS in order to be given tax deduction on the donations. CAS will transmit the details of these donations to the IRAS for tax deduction to be granted to the donors. The IRAS does not accept claims for tax deduction based on donation receipts. The information given on donors will be automatically included in the donors’ tax assessments. Donors do not need to make a claim in their tax forms.
AFTER YOU HAVE MADE A DONATION VIA Bank Transfer (IB), ATM or Cheque/Money Order, PLEASE PROVIDE YOUR PAYMENT DETAILS BY FILLING IN THE DONATION FORM (click on button). You do not have to fill out this donation form if you have donated via Paypal or Paynow.
We would greatly appreciate you filling in the form in the same week that you have made payment.
E-Receipts, if requested, will be issued in 8-10 weeks' time.
If we do not receive your form within the month you made the payment, your donation will not qualify for tax-exemption, and no receipt will be issued.
Please use the following methods to make your donation:
Bank Transfer/ATM
Bank Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Name: Buona Vista Corporate Branch (107)
Current Account No: 107-9015-735
Account Name: Causes For Animals (Singapore) Limited
SWIFT/ BIC Code: DBSSSGSG (for remittances)
Cheque or Money Order
Make a cheque or money order out to:
Causes For Animals (Singapore) Limited
Admin. Dept
Causes For Animals (S) Ltd.
My Mail Box 889051
Singapore 919191
- Please indicate your name, contact details & purpose of donation (HEAL 2023) on the back of the cheque.
Bank Transfer/ATM
Bank Name: DBS
Bank Code: 7171
Branch Name: Buona Vista Corporate Branch (107)
Current Account No: 107-9015-735
Account Name: Causes For Animals (Singapore) Limited
SWIFT/ BIC Code: DBSSSGSG (for remittances)
Cheque or Money Order
Make a cheque or money order out to:
Causes For Animals (Singapore) Limited
Admin. Dept
Causes For Animals (S) Ltd.
My Mail Box 889051
Singapore 919191
- Please indicate your name, contact details & purpose of donation (HEAL 2023) on the back of the cheque.
DO NOT issue cheques to any personal accounts or hand cash to any one claiming to be our members. We will take legal action on any persons making use of CAS’s name to gain donations.