(One-time donations only)
(One-time donations only)
Donations $10 and above are eligible for tax-exemption if you fill in your donation details in the 'UEN/Bill Reference' field. (For more info on tax exemption, click here)
You need to type in your NRIC/FIN/UEN number in full (including the starting and ending alphabet) and donation purpose code (provided below). For e.g. S1234678Z GenDon or EMA
The above instructions also applies to repeat tax exempt donors.
To ensure your donation details (NRIC, FIN or UEN numbers) are not rejected by the IRAS when CAS submits the list of donors to the tax authority at year-end, please check if you have submitted the correct information as shown in your bank statement. If there is a mistake, please email [email protected] and provide details (donation date, donation amount) and correct NRIC/FIN/UEN.
Paynow tax-exempt and non tax-exempt donors will not be sent e-receipts. The confirmation sent by your bank of the transaction will be an acknowledgement of your donation.
PayNow details
Causes For Animals (Singapore) Limited UEN 201314186Z Key in your NRIC/FIN/UEN number (for tax exemption) and purpose of your donation in the UEN/bill reference space
(e.g. S12345678Z GenDon) |
Scan & Pay
Using your bank's payment app:
Examples of Purpose of your donation in the 'UEN/Bill Reference No.' space:
For e.g.'EMA Coney', Sponsor Elvis', 'Food' etc
For e.g.'EMA Coney', Sponsor Elvis', 'Food' etc
GenDon General Donation
Food Food Drives
Medic Aid General Medical Aid Fund
Kennel Kennel sponsorship
SP <Dog or cat's name> Sponsor a CAS dog/cat
SMP Stray Management Program
Streetdog Sponsor a street dog
ComCare Community Care
EMA <dog's/cat's name> Emergency Medical Aid Appeal
R&R Relocate & Retrofitting Appeal
Food Food Drives
Medic Aid General Medical Aid Fund
Kennel Kennel sponsorship
SP <Dog or cat's name> Sponsor a CAS dog/cat
SMP Stray Management Program
Streetdog Sponsor a street dog
ComCare Community Care
EMA <dog's/cat's name> Emergency Medical Aid Appeal
R&R Relocate & Retrofitting Appeal
PayNow is a funds transfer service that allows users of nine banks to transfer cash in SGD to anyone else who has an account with one of these 9 participating banks: DBS/POSB, UOB, OCBC, Citibank, HSBC, Maybank, Standard Chartered, BOC and ICBC.
Management and use of all donations are in keeping with accepted accounting principles and the Charities Act, Singapore guidelines. We are determined to be known for our high ethical standards and our commitment to transparency and openness.